Saturday, 17 May 2014

What's wrong with so called "socialist" states?

I start to think that the first conversation once one arrives to a country they have never been before is very illustrative. I already have posted an anecdotal conversation with a migration officer at a Seam Reap International airport.

Now I am in Ho Chi Minh City (former Saigon), Vietnam. My first conversation was last night with a guy from the reception at my hostel. He asked me:
- Where are coming from?
- Phnom Pehn
- How long you will stay here?
- I don't know... few days in Ho Chi Minh and two - three weeks in Vietnam. I will travel north to Hanoi and then I will go China...
- Why do you want to go to China?!? Don't go to China?
- I have to cross China, because I go to Russia.
- Don't go to China. Fly to Russia.
- There are no cheap flights to Russia from Hanoi. It's very expensive to flight to Russia.
- Go to Singapore and fly from there to Russia
- ....

Those of you wondering why the guy was so aggressive against China, please check some headlines bellow:
Here we come to the question that I raised in the title: 'what's wrong with so called "socialist" states?

We can start to talk how so called "People's Republic" of China and so called "Socialist Republic" of Vietnam at one point took a little bit wrong turn and now can be located somewhere between "What do you mean from each according to his ability, to each according to his need?" and "Fossil Fuel Fetishism - RULES!!!".

@ former (?) Saigon

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Pfupfuphania vs moteriske is Filipinu

As manau esantis vienas is nedaugelio lietuvos pilieciu, kurie atsidure tolimajame uzsienyje neuzverda kuomet pasnekovas nuosidziai nezino kas yra Lithuania ir su kuo ji valgoma (juk ir katinams aisku, kad su bulvem).

Jeigu nuosidziai kiek is jusu esat girdeje ir pokalbyje panaudoje panasaus ploto valstybe su daugiau nei dvigubu gyventoju skaicium ir daug paprastesniu vardu - Togo?

Tai va sian sedziu ilsiuosi prie Kambodzoj karaliau paminklo. Priseda moteriske.  Pradedam kalbeti. Ji is Filipinu ir lb neblogai kalba angliskai. Kaip ir visada pasipila klausimai apie tai is kur as ir kaip ten. Bet kaskart kai bando dar ko paklaust gaunasi: "so what you were doing in phuphu... luphuduphiania... your country? And what countries are next to lurutuphiania... your country?
- Poland...
Tada ji lyg ir prasitaria jog jos sese tuoj skrenda dirbt slaugytoja lenkijoj. Dar po 10 min. ji mane pakviecia ryt ryte susitikt ir manai uz info apie lenkija pavaisina filipinietiskais pusryciais. Uuuu, Naxaliavas maistas!!! Susiderinam susitikt ryt ten pat 9 val.

Bet ne prabegus nevalandai jau kiram bulvare prie manes priseda teta is filipinu, kurios sese... nu nesikartosiu.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Cock crazy men

Clifford Geertz (1958):  

The language of everyday moralism is shot through on the male side of it, with roosterish imagery. Sabung, the world for cock (and one which appears in inscription as early as A.D. 922), is used metaphorically to mean "hero", "warrior", "champion", "man of parts", "political candidate", "bachelor", "dandy", "ladykiller" or "though guy". A pompous man whose behavior presumes above his station is compared to tailless cock who struts about as though he had large, spectacular one. A desperate man who makes a last, irrational effort to extricate himself from an impossible situation is likened to dying cock who makes one final lunge at his tormentor to drag him along to a common destruction. A stingy man, who promises much, gives little, and begrudges that is compared to a cock which, held by the tail, leaps at another without in fact engaging him. A marriageable young man still shy with the opposite sex or someone in a new job anxious to make a good impression is called "a fighting cock caged for the first time." Court trials, wars, political contests, inheritance disputes, and street arguments are all compared to cockfights. Even the very island itself is perceived  from its shape as a small, proud cock, poised, neck extended, back taut, tail raised, in eternal challenge to large, feckless, shapeless Java.

But the intimacy of men with their cocks is more than metaphorical. Balinese men, or anyway a large majority of Balinese men, spend an enormous amount of time with their favorites, grooming them, feeding them, discussing them, trying them out against one another, or just gazing at them with a mixture of rapt admiration and dreamy self-absorption. Whenever you see a group of Balinese men squatting idly in the council shed or along the road in their hips down, shoulders forward, knees up fashion, half or more of them will have a rooster in his hands, holding it between his thighs, bouncing it gently up and down to strengthen its legs, ruffling its feathers with abstract sensuality, pushing it out against a neighbor's rooster to rouse its spirit, withdrawing it toward his loins to calm it again. Now and then, to get a feel for another bird, a man will fiddle this way with someone else's cock for a while, but usually by moving around to squat in place behind it, rather than just having it passed across to him as though it were merely an animal.

The connection of cocks and cockfighting with such Powers, with the animalistic demons that threaten constantly to invade the small, cleared-off space in which the Balinese have so carefully built their lives and devour its inhabitants is quite explicit. A cockfight, any cockfight, is in the first instance a blood sacrifice offered, with the appropriate chants and oblations, to the demons in order to pacify their ravenous, cannibal hunger. No temple festival should be conducted until one is made. (If it is omitted someone will inevitably fall into a trance and command with the voice of an angered spirit that the oversight be immediately corrected.) Collective responses to natural evils- illness, crop failure, volcanic eruptions- almost always involve them. And that famous holiday in Bali, The Day of Silence (Njepi), when everyone sits silent and immobile all day long in order to avoid contact with a sudden influx of demons chased momentarily out of hell, is preceded the previous day by large-scale cockfights (in this case legal) in almost every village on the island.

ln classical times (that is to say, prior to the Dutch invasion of 1908), when there were no bureaucrats around to improve popular morality, the staging of a cockfight was an explicitly societal matter. Bringing a cock to an important fight was, for an adult male, a compulsory duty of citizenship; taxation of fights, which were usually held on market day, was a major source of public revenue; patronage of the art was a stated responsibility of princes; and the cock ring, or wantilan, stood in the center of the village near those other monuments of Balinese civility- the council house, the origin temple, the marketplace, the signal tower, and the banyan tree. Today, a few special occasions aside, the newer rectitude makes so open a statement of the connection between the excitements of collective life and those of blood sport impossible, but, less directly expressed, the connection itself remains intimate and intact. To expose it, however, it is necessary to turn to the aspect of cockfighting around which all the others pivot, and through which they exercise their force, an aspect I have thus far studiously ignored. I mean, of course, the gambling.


In the first place, there are two sorts of bets, or toh. There is the single axial bet ketengah), and there is the cloud of peripheral ones around the ring between members of the audience (toh kesasi). The first is typically large; the second typically small. The first is collective, involving coalitions of bettors clustering around the owner; the second is individual, man to man. The first is a matter of deliberate, very quiet, almost furtive arrangement by the coalition members and the umpire huddled like conspirators in the center of the ring; the second is a matter of impulsive shouting, public offers, and public acceptances by the excited throng around its edges. And most curiously, and as we shall see most revealingly, where the first is always, without exception, even money, the second, equally without exception, is never such. What is a fair coin in the center is a biased one on the side.